by Janet Sernack | Apr 9, 2024 | Collaboration blog
Learn from Israeli Start-ups, how to share our kindness, knowledge and wisdom with the uninformed and the doubtful whilst appreciating and harvesting the rich tapestry of our long histories, unique cultural legacies, and profound and rich life experiences as decent human beings, who focus on adding value to the quality of peoples lives that are appreciated and cherished.
by Janet Sernack | Sep 5, 2016 | Coaching blog
Just in case you haven’t seen the latest Star Trek movie yet, here is one of its key messages in generating discovery for innovation, which links to generating fresh new ways of business problem-solving: “You know the greatest danger facing us is ourselves, an...
by Janet Sernack | Mar 30, 2015 | Coaching blog
In the incredibly challenging process of compiling, collating and presenting the new ImagineNation MOOC (massive online open course) on innovative leadership, we created a new role for innovative managers and leaders as ‘disruptive provocateurs!’ One of their key...